February 11, 2025 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Upcoming Events
Date/Time: Thursday, February 20 12-1PMLocation: 9-215 Workplace conflict is a normal part of any job. Differences in opinions, misunderstandings, or concerns about fairness can happen in any workplace. In fact, some conflict can be healthy—it can spark conversations, lead to positive changes, and help make the workplace better for everyone. But when conflict isn’t handled properly,
December 23, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
Progress continues toward our next collective agreement. The tone of conversations remains positive, and we plan to meet several times in January. In the portal, the University has posted similar information to what MSU has previously communicated about bargaining. You can find this under Departments > Human Resources > Collective Bargaining. Warm regards,Tim McNeilMSU Negotiations Chair
- by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
The MSU Staff and Board would like to wish you a safe, peaceful and relaxing holiday season! We hope you have the opportunity to unwind and enjoy a bit of well-deserved time away. Thank you for all of your support and dedication this year. We look forward to advocating for you in 2025! The MSU office
October 09, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements
Hey Folks, It’s been a while since the last update, but I’m excited to tell you meetings with the university negotiating team are continuing! Over the summer, we have made progress on language clarification and settled language in Articles 2, 15, 21 and 24. There are three more days of meetings scheduled later this month. While bargaining
- by MSA Office
- in Announcements
Proud to show our solidarity with NASA and AASUA today on behalf of MSA (MSU) alongside GMUFA.
September 25, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements
We are pleased to announce that the MacEwan Staff Union (formerly known as the MacEwan Staff Association) has officially received the updated bargaining certificate from the Alberta Labour Relations Board under our new name. In the past, MSA was both a registered society in Alberta and a certified trade union. MSA’s legal counsel advised the
August 15, 2024 - by MSA Office
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August 14, 2024 - by Nicole Moeller
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
In the upcoming week, you may notice that an information sheet from the Alberta Labour Relations Board is posted around campus. This is a routine part of the process approved by the MSA membership at our Spring General Meeting to transition from the MacEwan Staff Association to the MacEwan Staff Union and deregister from the
July 10, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements
Members and Friends, Some of you may have noticed that our current collective agreement expired on June 30, 2024. Not to worry – it remains in place until a new agreement is reached. Our bargaining sessions in June concluded with robust discussions on job security. We have signed off on one proposal, but there is still
April 23, 2024 - by MSA Office
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February 07, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
MSA is excited to announce our new Professional Development Direct Reimbursement Program. This pilot program allows members to be reimbursed $250 per fiscal year for eligible activities. Activities must be completed and paid for before submitting an application. All signed members are eligible to apply, part-time, casual and term employees must fulfill 500 hours of
January 08, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements
The MSA office is now located in 101A – 11041 105 Avenue. This building is located behind MacEwan Residence and Allard Hall. Download your directions here. MSA’s office hours remain Monday – Friday, 8:30AM – 4:30PM. We will also take afterhours meetings by appointment. We welcome you to drop by our new space any time!
May 23, 2023 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
As per Article 8.0.1 and 8.1.1 of the collective agreement, MSA members will be granted two and a half (2.5) hours of release time from work without impact to employee compensation to attend the MSA semi-annual general membership meeting, subject to the ability to provide continuity of normal University operations and with prior approval of
October 27, 2020 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
Please see the following documents received from the Alberta Labour Relations Board: Notice and Correspondence (Advisors), Notice and Correspondence (General Application). These documents are in response to the applications MSA recently filed with the Alberta Labour Relations Board. These filings are regarding the ongoing jurisdictional determination of MacEwan University employees. As well, please see Criteria
January 01, 2019 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements
Do you have a question about a workplace issue or the collective agreement? Maybe you have a question about personal leave or disability insurance. Ask any and all questions here! We will try feature one question in each newsletter, or if you provide your email address, we can respond with a more immediate, individual response.