The MSA President acts as an official spokesperson for the MSA, chairs all meetings of MSA and Board and acts as a signing authority. As well, the President is an ex-officio of all MSA standing committees, assigns responsibilities of the office to members of the Board, presents an annual report and encourages liaison between MSA and other individuals/groups. Elected on even years for a term of two years.
The MSA Vice-President assists the President, carries out the duties of the President in President’s absence, fills other duties as assigned by the President and serves as the Board Representative on the Negotiations Committee. Elected on odd years for a term of two years.
The Secretary/Treasurer attends monthly Board meetings of the MSA Board as well as their spring and fall annual general meetings. Responsible for: administering financial affairs of MSA as directed by the Board, reviewing records of financial transactions, presenting a budget for each fiscal year for the Board’s review and presenting the annual financial statements to the membership. Elected on odd years for a term of two years.
MSA Member as Professional Development Committee Chair
Carry out duties as defined by the Professional Development Committee. Elected on even years for a term of two years.
Member Representatives
The Member Representatives fulfill duties and responsibilities as required by the Board and liaise between the Board and the MSA members. Representatives serve for a term of two years, and shall receive time off with pay to fulfill duties as required from time to time. Three Representatives are elected on even years and three Representatives are elected on odd years for a total of six Member Representatives.
MSA Member on the Board of Governors
Nominated by the Minister of Advanced Education as the MSA staff member on the Board of Governors. The role includes: interpreting the concerns and decisions to the MSA members, presenting an annual report, communicating regularly with MSA members and presenting quarterly reports and reports as required to the board. Elected prior to expiration of incumbent’s term; for a term of three years and for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The MSA Board duties include:
- Calling all special and General meetings of MSA
- Review and approve the agenda for all General meetings
- Ensure funds in the form of dues or assessments are received
- Present an audited financial statement for the year ending June 30th
- Call by-elections or, in extraordinary circumstances, appoint members to fill vacancies in MSA offices and Committees
- Meet as a Board at least once every two months