December 23, 2024 - by MSA Office
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Progress continues toward our next collective agreement. The tone of conversations remains positive, and we plan to meet several times in January. In the portal, the University has posted similar information to what MSU has previously communicated about bargaining. You can find this under Departments > Human Resources > Collective Bargaining. Warm regards,Tim McNeilMSU Negotiations Chair
- by MSA Office
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The MSU Staff and Board would like to wish you a safe, peaceful and relaxing holiday season! We hope you have the opportunity to unwind and enjoy a bit of well-deserved time away. Thank you for all of your support and dedication this year. We look forward to advocating for you in 2025! The MSU office
August 15, 2024 - by MSA Office
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August 14, 2024 - by Nicole Moeller
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In the upcoming week, you may notice that an information sheet from the Alberta Labour Relations Board is posted around campus. This is a routine part of the process approved by the MSA membership at our Spring General Meeting to transition from the MacEwan Staff Association to the MacEwan Staff Union and deregister from the
April 23, 2024 - by MSA Office
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March 28, 2024 - by Chelsea Nzigamasabo
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What’s new? Access to MacEwan Activities Career Development Fund Detailed information about the activities and career development opportunities available to you, as well as eligibility criteria and the application process, can be found here on the portal. Questions? Contact
February 07, 2024 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
MSA is excited to announce our new Professional Development Direct Reimbursement Program. This pilot program allows members to be reimbursed $250 per fiscal year for eligible activities. Activities must be completed and paid for before submitting an application. All signed members are eligible to apply, part-time, casual and term employees must fulfill 500 hours of
February 02, 2024 - by
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Dear MSA Members, Workforce Engagement (WE) is the performance development program at MacEwan University. Training for supervisors and employees is now scheduled and available for registration. The intent of the training is to provide you with a robust understanding of the processes and tips for making these WE conversations great ones. WE training is a
October 18, 2023 - by MSA Office
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Why, yes! We would encourage you to take advantage of the University’s Retirement Transition Program. This gives you up to three years to transition into retirement with a reduced workload either prior to or after a specified retirement date. You must apply to your OOS Manager at least six months prior to the planned start
October 10, 2023 - by MSA Office
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Employees can apply through open competition for any position within the university. If they are the successful candidate, the change is considered a transfer. (No letter of resignation required.) If you’re a continuing employee and you are selected for a Term position, you shall continue to be treated as a continuing employee. At the conclusion
September 12, 2023 - by MSA Office
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Yes. All MSA staff and Board Members are bound by confidentiality requirements as stipulated in the MSA’s Code of Conduct Agreement. Private information obtained by staff during a member appointment is not shared with MSA Board members, other MSA members or the University’s management, administration or human resources unless the action needed to resolve the
August 29, 2023 - by MSA Office
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May 23, 2023 - by MSA Office
- in Announcements, Uncategorized
As per Article 8.0.1 and 8.1.1 of the collective agreement, MSA members will be granted two and a half (2.5) hours of release time from work without impact to employee compensation to attend the MSA semi-annual general membership meeting, subject to the ability to provide continuity of normal University operations and with prior approval of
May 01, 2023 - by MSA Office
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As per article 27.0.1, each employee shall receive a copy of their current position description from their Out-of-Scope (OOS) Manager. MSA receives copies of in-scope classification decisions and position description updates. If your OOS Manager does not have a copy, feel free to reach out to MSA as we may have a copy on file.
February 01, 2023 - by MSA Office
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If someone else assigns your tasks and sets your priorities, make it easy for them to be reasonable. Show your supervisor everything you’re working on and ask which project they want completed first. Be honest about your abilities. Most managers will rather give you more time or resources upfront than have you fail at the