Employee Supports
As an MSA member, you have psychological services as part of your GreenShield+ benefits package. If you have further questions, or would like to speak to a union representative at any time, please call the MSA office at 780.497.5697 or email m**@**cewan.ca.
Other Useful Resources:
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
Employee & Family Assistance Program = 1-877-455-3561
- You can connect with support 24/7 on 365 days a year from a confidential employee assistance program (EFAP) you can trust. Counsellors are available to talk with you confidentially by phone at 1-877-455-3561 to help you deal with issues related to family, health, life, money and work.
Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Response
The Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, and Response supports survivors of sexual violence and raises awareness about this issue in the MacEwan community. Contact them to learn more about creating a culture of consent on campus or to talk to someone about an incident you’ve witnessed or experienced.
780.633.3268 | osv***@**cewan.ca | macewan.ca/OSVPER
MacEwan’s Security program includes 24/7 surveillance and response by a dedicated security team. Emergency Blue Phones are located throughout the campus and parkades which directly connect to the Security dispatch office. If you are in an emergency situation, call 911. If you need urgent attention from Security Services, call 780.497.5555.
780.497.5555 | CampusS*******@**cewan.ca | macewan.ca/security
Food Bank of Edmonton & Surrounding Areas
Food banks are non-profit, charitable organizations that distribute food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough to avoid hunger.
Edmonton’s Food Bank
780.425.4190 | edmontonsfoodbank.com
Strathcona Food Bank (serving Sherwood Park and Strathcona County)
780.449.6413 | strathconafoodbank.ca
St. Albert Food Bank
780.459.0599 | stalbertfoodbankandcommunityvillage.com
Parkland Food Bank
780.962.4565 | parklandfoodbank.org
Canadian Mental Health Association Distress Line
The CMHA Distress Line provides confidential, non-judgmental and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress. You can also chat online.
780.482.4357 (HELP) | Online Crisis Chat
211 is a free, confidential service that provides information and referral to a wide range of community, social and government services.
211 | Toll Free 1.888.482.4696 | Chat Online
Confidence Line is a free, third-party confidential service for staff, faculty, and students for reporting any concern related to the University.
1.800.661.9675 | MacEwan.ConfidenceLine.net
Speak with our Labour Relations Staff